
Monday, March 12, 2007

Home Planning Center

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This home design article is brought to you by Punch! Software

Appropriate for BOTH
professional & amateur
designers and renovators.

Can help you build an entire house or just help you plan simple smaller area design and landscape projects.

Provides amazing 3D realism.

Make Your Home Renovation and Redesign Dreams Come True in 2008!
...with Software that Lets You Design and View Your Home with Incredible 3D Realism!

Dear Home Owner,

As 2008 rang in, did you make a resolution to get started on all your home renovation and redesign projects?

Our easy-to-use software can help you cross your home design projects off your to-do list for good!

Punch! Professional Home Design Suite - Platinum is really a two-for-one package that combines all of the features of our industry acclaimed Punch! Professional Home Design Suite and Punch! Master Landscape & Home Design into one powerful package.

Professionals and amateurs love this product because it lets you to do all the work on your PC before you ever spend a dime on materials or labor. You'll see your finished plans before a single minute is spent doing the actual physical work!

Doesn't that sound like a smart way to plan your project?

Here are some images of what
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5 Simple Home Improvement
Projects You Can Start Today

You've seen it on TV - a home redecorated in one day or less and the outcome is incredible. A rather mundane house is turned into a beautiful home with just a few tools and some supplies from your local home supply store.

The big question you have, of course, is "Can I do it?" And the answer is a resounding YES!

There are hundreds of simple, inexpensive, and quick home improvement projects you can do that will increase the value of your home and turn it into a truly enjoyable space.

One general tip you may want to consider before starting any project is to use home design software to plan your improvements. The software will allow you to make changes to your rooms digitally before ever spending a dime on materials or doing any physical work. Punch! Professional Home Design Suite - Platinum (see special offer below) is an industry leader in this type of software. It is cost effective and helpful whether your project is a complicated renovation or a simple redesign or landscaping project.

Let's look at 5 projects you can start today.

Idea 1: Redecorate With Paint

There is no easier or cheaper way to redecorate than to paint! Not only can painting a room dramatically change its appearance, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to do a good job. All you have to do is follow three simple rules:

1. Clean Those Walls:
All artists understand the need for a good surface, and painting a room, though not necessarily an artistic endeavor, is no different. It is best to clean the walls with soap and water and then rinse with clear water. Once the wall is dried completely, you are ready to start!

2. Good Paint is the Best Paint:
Although you don't have to buy the most expensive brand out there, good paint is worth the price. It won't show brush strokes and you can often get by with a single coat.

3. Start From the Top Down:
Start with your ceilings, move to your walls, then to your windows and doors, and last but not least, paint those baseboards. It's the way the professionals do it!

Once you are done, you will hardly recognize the place.

Idea 2: Just Add Fabric

This idea is a bit more expensive than paint, but far cheaper than wallpaper - not to mention it can be removed easily when you decide you want a new look. What am I talking about? Covering your walls with fabric!

All you will need is enough fabric to cover the walls, liquid fabric starch, a sponge paint roller and paint pan, and a large sponge! Prepare your walls as if you were going to paint. Now, pour the liquid starch into the paint pan, and roll it onto the wall. Put the fabric up on the wall, using the sponge to apply starch and get rid of any bubbles. Once it is dry, you can trim off the ends at the ceiling, floor, doors, and windows.

Talk about a dramatic change! And when you want to change the look, just peel the fabric off and wash the walls!

Idea 3: Add Lighting For Beauty

Nothing transforms a house like light. Choosing the right lighting for your home is a great way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. Although adding lighting to a room is not difficult to do, you will need a plan that considers the variety of activities that will occur there.

"Task lighting" allows you to complete a task, such as reading, without getting blinded, but also without needing to strain your eyes to get the job done! Reading requires task lighting that comes from behind the reader's shoulder or reflects off the ceiling or wall.

"Accent lighting" highlights or features certain areas. When you look around your home, what do you see? More importantly, what do you WANT to see? It may be a particular piece of artwork, an unusual plant, or an interesting architectural feature. No matter what you choose to emphasize, accent lighting will help it stand out and add a dramatic touch.

"Ambient lighting" is the general lighting that provides overall illumination to the areas in use.

Knowing the way you use the room will guide you to choices that change your home from drab to dynamic.

Idea 4: Give Your Kitchen a Facelift

The kitchen is not only the heart of the home but one of the most important rooms when it comes to resale value. If your kitchen is humdrum but you simply don't have enough money for a total remodel, consider giving it a facelift - a cabinet re-facing, that is!

Just what is cabinet re-facing? It is simply changing the appearance of the cabinet doors while leaving the cabinets and the layout the same.

Cabinet re-facing can be accomplished in a number of ways:

  • You can sand and repaint your cabinet doors using any color or texture you choose
  • You can strip your cabinet doors and re-stain in a variety of finishes.
  • Simply changing the hinges and knobs can make a world of difference.
  • Just a little bit of time, a quick trip to the home supply store, and some elbow grease, and you will have the look and feel of a brand new kitchen.

    Idea 5: Replace Your Old Flooring The Easy Way

    Floors are often overlooked when it comes time to remodel, but new flooring is a great way to add just the right touch to your bathroom, kitchen, living room, or dining room. And now, with glueless laminate flooring, the job can be done in one weekend!

    The most popular laminate designs are made to resemble hard wood flooring, however, you can also find those that look like stone or marble. Whatever your choice, you will be able to put the new floor down over your old floor - no need for scraping off old vinyl flooring, removing hardwood flooring, or covering concrete. Just about any flat hard surface can be the base for laminate!

    No matter what your décor or your lifestyle, you can find a laminate floor to fit your needs.

    Choosing the best modeling and redecorating projects will not only increase the long-term value of your home, they will also provide satisfaction and pleasure for you, the smart homeowner.